Other institutions

The three main institutions from which EU laws emerge are supported by other institutions which interpret, monitor or manage the laws, systems and finance of the European Union.

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European Court of Justice
European Court of Auditors
European Central Bank
European Ombudsman

European Court of Justice

Its job is to decide on cases to do with EU law

Based in Luxembourg

Consists of three courts

    Court of Justice that deals with member states and EU groups

    General Court that deals with business cases

    Civil Service Tribunal that deals with internal cases

European Court of Auditors

Its job is to

    Check EU is spending its money as it should

    Identify cases of fraud

    Report its findings to the Parliament

European Central Bank

Its job is to

Louboutin Sale    Manage the single currency, the euro

Louboutin Online    Maintain stable prices in the eurozone
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The euro is the currency of 17 member states.

European Ombudsman

Looks into complaints from

    Other groups

Reports to the European Parliament