
1951 - Treaty of Paris

Paris panorama at night Six countries - France, West Germany, Italy and the Benelux countries Belgium, Luxembourg, and The Netherlands - set up the European Coal and Steel Community.

This became the first step towards forming the European Union.

The treaty came into force on 23 July 1952 and expired 50 years later on 23 July 2002.

1957 - Treaty of Rome

signed in Rome, 25 March 1957

European Coal and Steel Community
becomes European Economic Community.

The six countries of the EEC were Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and The Netherlands.
Signing ceremony for the Treaty of Rome, March 1957

Establishes common market:
  Free movement of people, goods, services and capital
  Common agricultural policy

Sets up institutions of governance

Click for more about the Treaty of Rome

1986 - Schengen Agreement

Map of countries in the Schengen Treaty area

Set up the rules allowing borders to be open between some European countries.

The first countries to agree free travel between their territories were Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany.

Many more countries joined the Schengen area over the following 20 years.

Click for more about the Schengen Agreement

1987 - Single European Act

Signed in Luxembourg, 17/28 February 1986
by 12 member states
Came into force 1 July 1987

First major revision of Treaty of Rome

Sets target for completing the Single Market

First powers for Parliament

Extends QMV to speed decision making.

Click for more about the Single European Act

1992 - Treaty of Maastricht

Signed 7 February 1992

by 12 member states
Came into force 1 November 1993

New governance framework

More power for European Parliament

Paves way for single currency

European Community renamed ‘European Union’

Bridge of Saint Servatius, Maastricht

click for more on the Maastricht Treaty

1997 - Treaty of Amsterdam

Signed 2 October 1997
by 15 member states
Came into force  1 May 1999

Old houses by canal in Amsterdam

Reforms to governance ahead of enlargement -
    More power to European Parliament
    Stronger common foreign and security policy

Safety of citizens
Closer co-operation among groups of member states
Policy on external borders

click for more on the Amsterdam Treaty

2001 - Treaty of Nice

Signed 26 February 2001
by 15 member states
Came into force 1 February 2003

Nice - the old town Reforms decision-making ahead of 2004/2007 enlargement
    Sets cap on number of Commissioners and MEPs
    Removes many national vetoes
    Extends qualified majority voting
    Revises weighting of votes in Council of Ministers

More power for the Parliament

Enhanced co-operation

click for more on the Nice Treaty

2007 - Treaty of Lisbon

Signed 13 December 2007
by 27 member states

Came into force 1 December 2009

Makes EU more democratic

More power for European Parliament

Makes EU more efficient, more open

Gives EU stronger voice in the world
Signing ceremony for the Treaty of Lisbon, December 2007

click for more on the Lisbon Treaty