
Key facts
*  Currency: the €uro
*  GDP (nominal): $417.4 billion (2017 est)
    GDP per capita: ppp $50,000 (2017 est)
*  Unemployment: 8.4% (Sept 2020)
*  Inflation: 1.5% (Sept 2020)

Austria is one of the 12 richest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita. It has a well developed social market economy and a high standard of living. Until the 1980s, many of Austria's largest industry firms were nationalised. In recent years, however, privatisation has reduced state holdings to a level comparable to other European economies. In addition to a widely diversified industry, international tourism especially skiing, is the most important part of the national economy.

Industries – construction, machinery, vehicles and parts, food, metals, chemicals, lumber and wood processing, paper and paperboard, communications equipment.

Exports – machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and parts, paper and paperboard, metal goods, chemicals, iron and steel, textiles, foodstuffs.
Exports to Germany 29.4%, US 6.3%, Italy 6.3, Switzerland 5.1%, France 4.8%,  (2017 data).