
Belgium's contributions to art and architecture are wonderfully rich

Many cities, notably Ghent, Bruges and Louvain have preserved their medieval art and architecture, attracting thousands of tourists every year

Artists – 15th century Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden
16th century Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1525-1569, the most famous of a family line of painters through the 16th and 17th centuries. His immediate successor was his son, Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1564-1638.
(The name has various spellings; Breugel the Elder was the only one to sign without an "h".)
Baroque Rubens, Van Dyke
20th century James Ensor, René Magritte

Writers – Maurice Maeterlink, Georges Simenon, Hergé (adventures of Tintin)

Sport – Eddy Merckz, greatest cyclist ever, Tennis – Kim Clysters, Justine Henin

Food – Waffles, chocolate, French fries (French is the way the potatoes are cut)
        –  Over 500 varieties of beer

Universities: 5 Flemish and 3 French – many of them high in European and world ranking.