
Key facts
*  Currency: the €uro.  The area under Greek Cypriot control joined the Eurozone in 2008.
*  GDP per capita PPP $37,200 (2017 est)
*  Unemployment: 7.4% (Aug 2020)
*  Inflation -0.9% (Sept 2020)
*  A market economy dominated by the service sector, tourism, financial services and real estate. There is heavy reliance on tourism which fluctuates with political instability and more recently the global economic crisis.
*  Water shortages are a problem across the island and recent years of drought have made water rationing a necessity.

*  tourism
*  food and beverage processing
*  cement and gypsum production
*  ship repair
*  textiles.

*  citrus, potatoes, pharmaceuticals, cement, clothing
*  Libya (9.4%), Greece (7.7%), Norway (6.7%) and UK (5.3%) are the main export partners. (2017)

TRNC area
*  Currency: Turkish new lira (YTL)
*  Economic growth is volatile due to its relative isolation and reliance on the Turkish lira
*  More than half the workforce is in agriculture and services
*  GDP per capita is roughly half that of the southern area of the island
*  Heavily reliant on Turkey.  Ankara directly finances 1/3rd of the TRNC budget.