
The 3rd largest island in the Mediterranean (after Sicily and Sardinia).

Land area of 9,251 square km. (3,355 sq km of this is in Northern Cyprus)

Nearest countries are Turkey, Syria and the Lebanon - the island is situated situated south of Turkey and west of Syria and Lebanon.

Largest cities – Nicosia (the capital, population 205,600), Limassol (160,700), Larnaca (71,700) (Republic of Cyprus data 2001).  Lefkoşa (northern division of Nicosia - 84,231), Famagusta (63,091), Kyrenia (58,438) (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus census 2006).

Terrain: Central plain with mountains to the north and south, with scattered plains along the south coast.  Highest point: Mount Olympus 1,951 m.   There are water resource problems, with no natural reservoir catchments, seasonal rainfall disparity and salination problems.