
Key facts
*  Currency: the €uro from 1 January 2011.  The Estonian kroon continued in parallel use for a short time, and prices must continue to show both currencies for longer.  The kroon replaced the Russian rouble in 1992.
*  Unemployment: 7.1% (June 2020)
*  Inflation: -1.1% (Sept 2020)
*  GDP per capita:  $31,700 (2017 estimated)

General: Since independence governments have pursued a free market, pro-business agenda and 2003-2007 achieved high growth rates. 

Trade: The economy is driven by engineering, food products, metals, chemicals and wood products with strong electronics and telecommunications sectors
*  Tourism accounts for 15% of GDP
*  Strong trade ties to Finland, Sweden and Germany

Exports:  machinery and electrical equipment 21%, wood and wood products 9%, metals 9%, furniture 7%, vehicles and parts 5%, food products and beverages 4%, textiles 4%, plastics 3%.

Exports to Finland 16.2%, Sweden 13.5%, Russia 7.3%, Germany 6.9%  (2017 data)