Full name: Česká Republika (Czech Republic)
National holiday: 28 October is regarded as independence day (commemorating the day in 1918 when the former combined state Czechoslovakia declared its independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire).
National anthem: "Kde domov můj?" (Where is my home?)

Current Government: Head of state: President Miloš Zeman, took up office 8 March 2013.  The President shares some executive powers with the Prime Minister, notably in foreign affairs and defence. Miloš Zeman was the first directly elected Czech President, elected by the public, not the parliament. Re-elected for a second five year term in January 2018.
Head of government: Prime Minister Andrej Babis (Since December 2017)
Constitution: Presidential and parliamentary democracy.
A constitutional amendment in 2012 introduced presidential election by popular vote instead of by parliament; president elected for a five-year term (may not serve more than two consecutive terms); elections last held in January 2013 (next to be held in January 2018);
Two-chamber parliament
- the Senat (Senate) has 81 seats, with members elected by popular vote to serve 6-year terms, one-third elected every two years. Next elections October 2018.
- the Poslanecká sněmovna (Chamber of Deputies) with 200 seats; members are elected by popular vote to serve a 4-year term. Elections last held in October 2017.

Joined the EU in May 2004. Number of MEPs: 22
Membership of NATO since 1999.