
Finland is a highly industrialised free market economy. Per capita output is among the highest in the EU.

Key facts
*  Currency: the €uro
*  GDP per capita: $44,500 (2017 est)
*  Unemployment rate: 7.7% (Aug 2020)
*  Inflation: 0.2% (Sept 2020)

*  Energy sources: Finland derives 25% of its energy from renewable sources against an average of 10% for the rest of the EU. The first new nuclear power plant in Europe for many years was built at Olkiluoto and began operating in 2011.

Industries and exports
*  Service industries account for two-thirds of GDP, manufacturing and refining accounting for most of the rest. The largest industry section is electronics followed at some distance by manufacturing, vehicles and metal products, and forestry.
*  Of its largest companies mobile telephone supplier Nokia is the best known internationally.

*  Exports:  electrical and optical equipment, machinery, transport equipment, paper and pulp, chemicals, basic metals, timber
*  60% of exports is to EU countries, especially Germany, Sweden and the UK. Russia is also a major trading partner.  Germany 14.2%, Sweden 10.1%, US 7.0%, Netherlands 6.8% (data from 2017)