Full name: République française     Republic of France
Motto – Liberté Egalité Fraternité
Symbol – Marianne and the gallic Cockerel
National holiday: 14th July
National anthem: "La Marseillaise"
MIDI, MP3 or see the score


Current Government: Head of State – Emmanuel Macron of the newly founded En March party ,
President of the French Republic, directly elected for 5 year term (May 2017).
Prime Minister:  Edouard Philippe, since May 2017 – appointed by President.
Constitution:  Semi-presidential Republic, Constitution of Vth Republic 1958
Two-chamber legislature: National Assembly - 577 Députés (including 22 representing overseas French citizens) elected for five year term. Most recent elections, June 2017.
Senate - 343 Sénateurs chosen by electoral college for six year term, half renewed every three years.
One of the six founding members of the EU 25th March 1957.   78 MEPs.
Member of the €urozone since 1st January 1999.