Formal name: Magyar Köztársaság   (Hungarian Republic)
19 counties (megyek) / 23 urban administrations
National holiday: Saint Stephen's Day, 20 August
National anthem, known as Himnusz -
"Isten, áldd meg a magyart"
MIDI, MP3 or see the score

Current government: President János Áder (re-elected March 2017), elected by the National Assembly.  The Presidency is mainly a ceremonial role, but has the power to refer legislation back for further consideration. Next elections 2022.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (re-elected March 2017), elected by the National Assembly on the recommendation of the President; other ministers proposed by the Prime Minister and appointed by the President.
Constitution: parliamentary democracy. Controversial new constitution January 2012.
199 seat single chamber Országgyűlés (National Assembly), halving the previous number of MPs. Under new electoral law MPs are elected by popular vote under a system combining constituency votes and proportional party-list representation, to serve 4-year terms).
First elections under new system held April 2014.
In the 1989 political changes the Hungarian government was the first to open the "Iron Curtain" border fence.
Hungary joined the EU on 1 May 2004.  Number of MEPs: 21 (from 2014 EP election).