
Population - 9.91 million (estimate at July 2009).
Life expectancy: men - 69 years, women - 78 years.

Ethnic groups: Hungarian 92.3%, Roma 1.9%, other or unknown 5.8% (2001 census - however, although registered as Hungarian, small minority language groups include Slovak and German, and the proportion of ethnically Roma people may reach as much as 10% of the overall population). There are significant populations of ethnic Hungarians outside the borders of the country, in Romania (Transylvania), Slovakia (9.7% of the population), Serbia (Vojvodina), Croatia, Slovenia and Austria (Burgenland). 

Language – Magyar (98%).

– Roman Catholic - 52%, Protestant 20% (mostly Calvinist - 16%), Greek Catholic - 3%, no religion 15%, did not wish to answer  10% (data from 2001 survey).

Education – 5.5% of GDP (2005). Literacy: 99.4%. 26 universities.