
Area of 301,230 square km, of which 2.4 percent is water.

Bordering countries are Austria, France, Slovenia, Switzerland. 7,600 km of Mediterranean coastline.  Italian territory includes a number of islands - notably Sicily, Sardinia and Elba.

Largest cities
– Roma (Rome), capital, population 2.7 million (January 2008)
– Milano (Milan - 1.3 million), Napoli (Naples), Torino (Turin), Palermo, Genova (Genoa).

Lakes: Garda, Como, Maggiore, Trasimeno
Rivers: The Po is Italy's main river.

Terrain: the main spine of the country is mountainous, with the   Apennines forming the backbone, and the Alps (which include the Dolomites) on the northern boundary. There are several volcanoes, with Etna and Vesuvius still active.   26.4% is arable land.