Full name: Latvijas Republika
National anthem: "Dievs, svēti Latviju!"
  God bless Latvia!
National holiday: Independence Day, 18 November (celebrating its original independence from Russia in 1918)
Current Government: Head of State – President Egils Levits (from July, 2019)
Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins (from January 2019).

Constitution:  Parliamentary democracy. The Constitution was first drawn up in February 1922; regarded as continuous during foreign occupations, then restored in August 1991 by the Constitutional Law adopted by the Supreme Council; many amendments since then.
Single chamber parliament Saeima with 100 seats; members are elected by popular vote using proportional representation from party lists to serve a 4-year term.
Elections were last held in 2018.

Latvia joined NATO in March 2004 and acceded to the EU on 1 May 2004. It adopted the €uro from 1 January 2014.  Number of MEPs: 9.