
Places to visit
*  Vilnius – picturesque city with some of eastern Europe's finest architecture in the old part of town.   2009 European Capital of Culture
*  Trakei – former capital – beautiful setting with fairytale island castle on the lake
*  Lithuania has 5 National Parks and 30 Regional Parks with wild life and rare birds
*  The Curonian Spit – sheltering the warm water port of Klaipéda
*  Vilnius Guggenheim Hermitage Museum to open in 2011

*  Vilnius University – one of the oldest in northern Europe - founded 1579 – beautiful Renaissance architecture - a city within the city.
*  Many other universities and a highly literate population, high level of foreign languages spoken and twice as many people with Higher Education than the EU 15 average.

Composer:  Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis 1875 – 1911

Vilnius University

Food and drink
Lithuanian beer is the national drink
Cold beef soup
Potato pancakes
Cepelincei – potato dumplings stuffed with meat, curd cheese or mushrooms