
Area of 65,000 sq km.
Lithuania is the southernmost, largest and most populous of the three Baltic States.

Bordering countries are Latvia, Belarus, Poland and Kaliningrad (Russia).   Lithuania has 99 km of Baltic Sea coastline.

Largest cities – Vilnius (capital - population 547 thousand - situated on the banks of rivers Neris and Vilnia), Kaunas (352 thousand), Klaipéda – the only port (183 thousand), Šiauliai (126 thousand).

Main rivers – Nemunas and Neris, which converge in Kaunas.
Confluence of the Nemunas and Neris rivers in the city of Kaunas

Terrain: Large plains with gently rolling hills to the west and the east, a land of forests, nearly 3,000 lakes and over 700 rivers, largely given over to recreation and nature preservation.