
Key facts
*  Currency: the €uro
*  GDP per capita: $105,100 (2017 est)
*  Unemployment rate: 6.3% (Sept 2020)
*  Inflation: 0.7% (Sept 2020)
*  A stable, high income economy with the highest GDP per capita in the EU and third highest in the world.

Agriculture – small family farms. White wines from the Moselle valley.

Industries and exports

*  Industry:  initially dominated by steel, now in decline. Chemicals, rubber, IT and telecommunications.
*  Exports:  machinery and equipment, steel products, chemicals, rubber products, glass.
Close trade ties with Belgium and Netherlands, then with the rest of the EU.
exported to:
*  Leading export markets: Germany 25.6%, Belgium 17.6%, France 14%, Netherlands 5.1%, (2017 data).

Services – 86% of the economy. Banking and financial services, very important investment fund centre, private banking and reinsurance companies. Working to shed its reputation as a tax haven and for bank account secrecy.