
Area of 238,391 sq km.

Bordering countries are Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova and the Ukraine in north and south. Coastline on the Black Sea

CitiesBucureşti (Bucharest - the capital, population 1.68 million), Timişoara (312 thousand), Iaşi (309 thousand), Cluj-Napoca (306 thousand), Sibiu – European Capital of Culture 2007.

Rivers – The Lower Danube defines a large part of Romania's borders and the River Prut runs along the border with Moldova before joining the Danube north of the delta. Other important rivers are the Olt and the Siret. The Danube Delta is the largest wetland complex in Europe.

Mountains: The Carpathian Mountains and the Transylvanian Alps cut large swathes across the country .

: The northern region of Transylvania is separated from the Moldavian plateau to the east by the eastern Carpathian Mountains.  The Transylvanian Alps separate the region from the Wallachian plain to the south.  Romania has one of the largest areas of undisturbed forest in Europe, rich in wildlife, including brown bears and wolves.
The region has been subject to earthquakes.