Full name: Republika Slovenija (Republic of Slovenia)
National anthem: "�ivé naj vsi naródi" (God's blessing on all nations)
Current Government:

Head of state: President Borut Pahor (since December 2012)
Prime Minister: Marjan Sarec (since September 2018).


Parliamentary Republic. Constitution adopted December 1991, after declaring independence from Yugoslavia.
Bi-cameral Parliament.
*  Dr�avni Zbor (National Assembly) - 90 seats elected by popular vote to serve a 4-year term - 40 members directly elected, 50 elected on a proportional basis; the constitution mandates 1 seat each for Slovenia's Hungarian and Italian minorities.
*  Dr�avni Svet (National Council) - 40 members elected by an electoral college representing social, economic and professional groups to serve a 5-year term - an advisory body with limited legislative powers: it may propose laws, or review any National Assembly decision.

Joined the EU in May 2004. Number of MEPs: 8
Slovenia is a member of NATO, Council of Europe, UN and Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Member of Schengen.