Full name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island
National flag: Union Jack
National anthem: "God save the Queen"
    MIDI, MP3 or see the score
Current Government: Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II (since February 1952)
Head of government: Prime Minister Boris Johnson re-elected in general election December 2019 for five years.

: parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. Bicameral parliament consisting of an upper house (House of Lords) with 740 members of whom all but 92 are appointed, and an elected lower house (House of Commons) - its 646 members are elected by simple plurality (first past the post). Scotland (with its Parliament), Wales (with its Assembly) and Northern Ireland (with its Executive) have devolved administrations.

Joined the EU: 1973. Left the EU on January 31, 2020
Member of NATO (founding member)