What the European Convention says

These rights not only have an impact on matters of life and death, they also affect the rights you have in everyday life, what you can say or do, your beliefs, your rights to a fair trial and other basic entitlements. They are:  

The right to life
Freedom from torture and degrading treatment
Freedom from slavery and forced labour
The right to liberty
The right to a fair trial (by an independent and impartial tribunal. If you are on a criminal charge you are presumed innocent until proved guilty)
The right not to be punished for something that wasn’t a crime when you did it
The right to respect for private and family life
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion and freedom to express your beliefs
Freedom of expression (to hold opinions, express views, individually or in a group, even if the opinions or views are unpopular or disturbing)
Freedom of assembly and association
The right to marry and start a family (national laws will determine how and at what age)
The right not to be discriminated against in respect of these rights and freedoms
The right to the peaceful enjoyment of your property
The right to an education
The right to participate in free elections (fair and by secret ballot. Eligibility on grounds of age may be determined by national laws)
The right not to be subject to the death penalty

Most  of these rights have limits to ensure they do not unfairly damage other people’s rights. But certain rights such as the right not to be tortured cannot be limited by courts. 

You have a responsibility to respect other people’s rights, as they do yours.